Maishan Wahyd

FrontEnd Developer

I build design driven responsive websites.


I've always been fascinated by web applications and eager to learn how they are built. In 2022, I embarked on a journey to become a self-taught web developer. As my skills and confidence grew, I successfully completed a range of web projects, from landing pages to complex applications.

I find the greatest satisfaction in building applications where logic and design work seamlessly together. This stems from my habit of putting myself in the user's shoes, ensuring that the software I create delivers a highly satisfying experience through thoughtful design and engineering.

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Portfolio Website

2024 Website

The website you are viewing has been thoughtfully and carefully designed to ensure a visually appealing and interactive experience.

Landing Page Demo

2024 Website

Demo landing page showcasing my skills in designing responsive and visually appealing websites, utilizing JavaScript, CSS, and HTML

Unbeatable Tic Tac Toe

2024 Web App

A classic Tic Tac Toe game developed as a web application, featuring a user-friendly interface and advanced logic that powers an unbeatable AI

Weather App

2023 Web App

A weather app that leverages an open-source API to retrieve and display current conditions and forecasts for any searchable location, featuring a dynamic user interface.


2023 Web App

A web-based reminders app featuring create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) functionalities. It allows you to easily store, display, and organize tasks into folders, with a focus on enhancing user experience.


2023 Web App

A web-based calculator app offering basic arithmetic functions. It can chain expressions, display results, handle mathematical errors, round answers to significant figures, and truncate numbers to exponential form.

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Lets bring your awesome idea to life!